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Wedding Kimberly Halverson Wedding Kimberly Halverson

Britt + Ben >> Cozy + Creative Mayowood Stone Barn Wedding (Rochester, MN)

It’s always so funny to me when wedding guests strike up conversation during dinner, asking whether I’m friends of the couple or if I’m a hired vendor. Because we may have started out as strangers, but throughout the emails, the engagement shooting, and the pre-wedding meeting, I can’t rightly say that Ben and Britt aren’t my friends. (Anyway, we shook on it at the end of the night. It’s for real, for real now.)

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Wedding Kimberly Halverson Wedding Kimberly Halverson

Nate + Annie >> Joyful + Timeless Mayowood Stone Barn Wedding (Rochester, MN)

Nate is the kind of guy that makes you imagine his former schoolteachers referring to him as a “good kid” who was probably either voted most likely to succeed or most charismatic.
Meanwhile, Annie is the kind of person that was probably always wearing 16 different friendship bracelets on her wrist at any given time, so full of joy and undiscriminating warmth. Also, probably the Homecoming Queen that everyone actually liked.

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